Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 6, 2011

Hitech Systems Inc., whose SafetyNet® computer-aided dispatch and records management systems power law enforcement, fire, and EMS agencies across North America, has partnered with Fusion Technology Group to create SafetyNet Mobile, a complementary public-safety app for the iPhone® and iPad®.

"SafetyNet Mobile gives public-safety personnel powerful information wherever they are, exactly when they need it, while cost-effectively integrating with our existing dispatch systems," said Henry Unger, Hitech's president. "It puts powerful augmented-reality technologies immediately at the fingertips of every public-safety officer.

"Augmented reality" is the hottest trend in mobile computing, tying databases of information to a specific location to provide rich, immediate understanding about that place and its history. With SafetyNet Mobile, an officer can point an iPhone's camera at a location and the will see information about that site overlaid on top of the image on the iPhone's screen. Wherever the camera's viewfinder is pointed, the screen will be overlaid with icons indicating premises history, hazards, and other many important informations derived from the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system in operation at the 9-1-1 communication center.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/02/06/prweb5041124.DTL#ixzz1DCFJrz4v


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